Environmental Management

If you dream of a career related to environmental preservation, Environmental Management is an area that you need to know.

In fact, natural resources need to be talked about, and the professional in this field assumes a great responsibility in this regard.

It is even better to know that this occupation is one of the most promising, which is explained by the growing concern with the environment.

This is what a survey conducted in 2019 by Tetra Pak in 15 countries points out.

Of the Brazilians interviewed, 86% were concerned with environmental issues. Still, according to the study, 80% of the global population believes that discussions related to the environment should increase in the next five years.

This movement also impels private and public companies to curb impacts on the environment and create sustainable alternatives.

This is where environmental manager comes in.

Find out more about the subject below!

What is Environmental Management?

Environmental Management is an area that aims to protect the environment and promote sustainability. To this end, it assesses the environmental impacts resulting from human and industrial action, in order to propose less harmful methods of using natural resources.

It is therefore an area with a beautiful purpose.

What does an environmental manager do?

The environmental manager is the professional responsible for carrying out activities related to Environmental Management.

In other words, it acts to reduce the impacts caused by man and companies on the environment and seeks solutions so that there is an adequate use of natural resources.

What is the salary of an environmental manager?

Different factors contribute to form the remuneration of the environmental manager . The salary depends on the experience acquired, the position held and the size of the contracting company.

According to the WORKS Brasil website, starting in a small company, a trainee receives, on average, R $ 2,861.57 per month.

Still, in a company of the same size, a junior professional earns R $ 3,720.04, while the full salary earns R $ 4,836.05 and the senior earns R $ 6,286.87. In a large organization, the professional has better remunerations, starting with the trainee, who receives R $ 6,438.53 monthly, followed by the junior with R $ 8,370.09, the full with R $ 10,881.12 and the senior with R $ 14,145.46.

It is, therefore, a career with high salaries.

How is the labor market for Environmental Management?

Environmental Management is an extremely important area and, therefore, the demand for qualified professionals is high.

After all, more and more awareness has been created about the need to preserve the environment and promote sustainability.

Those who graduate in Environmental Management find a vast market ahead.

Private institutions, public agencies, non-governmental organizations and farms are all contractors.

What are the areas of Environmental Management?

gestao ambiental quais sao as areas

In addition to the different places to work, the environmental manager can also work in different areas.

Check out the main ones below:

Restoration of degraded areas

In this area, the environmental engineer works to recover places that have been degraded by human influence.


In the field of geoprocessing, the Environmental Management professional handles geographic information through calculations and with the support of technology.

Environmental Education

Another possibility for the environmental manager to act is in the area of ​​education, whose responsibility is to educate and raise awareness of the impact of actions on the environment.

Extraction of natural resources

In the area of ​​natural resource extraction, the environmental manager acts to ensure the least influence during the process.

Public policymaking

In the public sphere, the Environmental Management professional is responsible for creating environmental preservation policies, as well as ensuring that they are complied with.

Environmental consultancy

The environmental manager can also work as a consultant, assisting companies of all types in implementing projects and improving production processes.

How is the Faculty of Environmental Management EAD?

gestao ambiental como e a faculdade ead

Whoever intends to work with Environmental Management should attend college in the area.

The Environmental Management course is a technologist , that is, a format more focused on the practice of the profession.

During their training, students learn to deal with the preservation of the environment, their relationship with a man and the creation of a more sustainable scenario.

They, therefore, develop an awareness of the natural resources used and ways to protect everything that lives in nature.

Curricular Grade

The curriculum of the Environmental Management course is different in each educational institution.

Students study the following subjects:

1st semester

Module 1

  • Environmental Sciences
  • Environmental education, Society and Environment.

Module 2

  • Environmental Legislation
  • Geology and Land Use.

2nd semester

Module 3

  • Biodiversity and Protected Areas
  • Sampling and Data Analysis for Environmental Management.

Module 4

  • Environmental Chemistry and Pollution
  • Impact Assessment and Environmental Expertise.

3rd semester

Module 5

  • Environmental Diagnosis and Monitoring
  • Project Management.

Module 6

  • Urban, Rural and Tourism Management
  • Environmental Valuation of Ecosystem Services.

4th semester

Module 7

  • Waste Management
  • Water Resources Management.

Module 8

  • Area Recovery
  • Coastal Area Management.

It is also worth mentioning that, during the course, the student develops integrated works and must present the Course Conclusion Paper to obtain the diploma.

For whom it is nominated

Are you interested in the Environmental Management course?

So know that graduation is suitable for people with a managerial profile and who are easy with subjects like biology, physics and chemistry.

It is also important to like to stay updated, as the area requires an understanding of economic, social and environmental aspects.

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Is it worth doing EAD Environmental Management?

Contrary to what many people believe, Environmental Management is not just about contact with nature.

Performance in the market goes far beyond that, with legal knowledge, supervision and techniques to ensure sustainability .

Therefore, to work in the area, qualification is essential, and it is acquired through continuing education.

So, yes, it is worth investing in the Environmental Management degree.

Regarding the distance learning modality, you should keep in mind that the advantages are enormous.

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