
Do you know what the Administration does? This is an area with one of the most popular courses in Brazil.

According to the survey of the Census of Higher Education 2018, from the Ministry of Education (MEC), this is the second training with the most enrollments.

What is Administration?

We are so used to hearing about administration , but for the most part, we don’t even think about how this activity is actually carried out.

Well, Management is a practice that involves management methods and techniques to improve business processes in order to reduce costs and maximize profits.

What does a person trained in Administration do?

Anyone who graduates in Administration receives the name of administrator.

This professional is responsible for performing four trivial tasks:

  • Planning
  • Organization
  • Leadership
  • Control.

Based on these activities, the administrator is able to ensure the smooth functioning of organizational processes.

Importance of Administration for society

Administration is essential for business survival.

Without it, a company cannot operate in a healthy way.

In most cases, it is necessary to close the doors.

Therefore, it is possible to assume that the activity has a significant impact on the economy, since entrepreneurship has an important part in the financial movement of a region.

This, in turn, also interferes in society.

When the economy is doing well, there are more jobs and, consequently, the better quality of life for the population.

But this is not the only aspect that proves the social importance of management.

The activity is also carried out in public agencies.

It is called Public Administration or Public Management.

When the government has good administration , everyone benefits.

The best allocation of resources is one of the great examples of the advantage in practice.

With this, the population has access to the services to which they are entitled.

How much does an administrator earn:

Now that you know what Administration is, its importance and the role of the administrator, it’s time to check the average remuneration of the profession in Brazil.

In formation

During business school, students can apply for internship positions.

As an intern, he usually receives an average salary of $ 1,000.00, according to Vacancies .

After graduating, opportunities in the job market are wider and better.

Compensation follows professional experience, area of ​​work and workplace.

A junior administrator, who works in a small company, for example, receives $ 3,533.34 per month.

A master-level professional, hired from a multinational company, earns, on average, $ 11,662.76 per month.

What areas can an administrator act in?

administracao o que faz quais areas pode atuar

Administration is a generalist area.

That is, in addition to allowing a view of various fields, it also offers varied job opportunities.

Check out some of them:

Municipal, state and federal centers

As we saw in the topic on the importance of Administration , public management is one of the fronts of the activity.

Therefore, the professional can work in municipal, state and federal bodies.


Banks are one of the great hiring managers.

This is because those who graduate in Administration develop skills related to the Finance area.

The administrator can work with financial management or even with investment analysis.


Administrators can also take on management positions at universities.

After all, like any institution, they need professionals in charge of administrative and managerial processes.

But this is not the only opportunity in these places.

There is also the branch of scientific research.


Hotel management is another area of ​​activity that the administrator can pursue.

In this case, in addition to managing the hotels, the professional needs to adopt practices promoting the best experience for guests.


The administrator can also work in hospitals.

In these places, in addition to management skills, it is important that professionals have knowledge about the health area, such as specific materials and equipment, for example.

After all, he will need to manage all the necessary resources in the best possible way.


Business administration is the main area of ​​expertise for the professional.

There is workspace in organizations of all sizes and varied segments.

Own company

Another path that the administrator can follow is that of entrepreneurship .

During the Administration course, the student develops the necessary skills to open and manage his own business.

The Administration course

The Business faculty is a bachelor’s degree.

That is, the format combines theory with practice so that, at the end of the course, the professional is able to perform the most diverse functions in the area.

Graduation provides knowledge focused on planning, organizing, controlling and evaluating activities within an organization.

In addition, it offers an entrepreneurial vision so that the professional can open his own business if he wishes.

Who is it for?

The Administration course is very broad.

Therefore, it is suitable for people of different profiles.

However, as the main tasks of the Administration are to plan, organize, lead and control, the professional is expected to be interested in these activities.

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The Administration belongs to the Humanities area.

Thus, the subjects of the faculty emphasize the human being as an object of study.

This does not mean, however, that the course does not have disciplines related to the Exact area.

Does administration study a lot of mathematics?

The Administration course has mathematics , but it is more practical.

Financial mathematics and statistics are some examples of what is being studied.

Are you curious to know what all the subjects are?

Then, check below the subjects of the graduation in Administration EAD:

  • Leadership and Behavior in Organizations
  • Management of Organizations
  • Management Theories
  • Organizational Communication
  • Society and Culture
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Entrepreneurial Experiences
  • Economic Scenarios
  • Management Accounting
  • Organizational Processes
  • Law Applied to Management
  • Fundamentals of People Management
  • Management Accounting
  • Organizational Processes
  • Law Applied to Management
  • Fundamentals of People Management
  • Corporate Finance
  • Strategic Marketing
  • Advanced Corporate Finance
  • Logistics
  • Global Supply Chain Management
  • Sustainable Management in Organizations
  • Production and Operations Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Capital Markets
  • Project Management
  • Public Administration
  • Organizational Diagnosis
  • Strategic Analysis
  • Strategy and Competitiveness
  • Strategic Decision Making
  • Managerial Development and Leadership.


All of these subjects are taken over eight semesters.

Thus, the student can complete the Administration course in four years.

The perspective of the Administration’s Labor Market

As mentioned at the beginning of this text, the Administration course is in great demand.

At first glance, therefore, it may seem that competition is high, but there are some counterpoints.

One of them is that the Administration is an area that allows very different actions and, thus, competitiveness dissipates.

The other is market demand.

Administrators occupy the fifth position of the professions with the highest volume of hires, based on data from the Ministry of Labor, surveyed in 2018.

That is, there are many vacancies.

This is good news for anyone thinking about pursuing a career in Administration.

Is it one of the professions of the future?

The administration is an old profession, but that does not mean that it does not belong to the future either.

What happens to managers is a transformation in the way they act.

The whole world has changed to adapt to the new technological reality and the Administration has also joined this wave.

Some functions assumed by administrators have gained more space and should continue to increase for the next years.

Data Management Specialist, Information Technology Facilitator and Digital Business Manager are some of these professions.

Therefore, the future of Management is connected to new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data.

Which areas stand out the most?

Among the most prominent areas in Administration are:

  • Finance: In this sector, the administrator is responsible for the organization and control of the company’s financial resources
  • Marketing: the role of the Administration professional in Marketing is more focused on Market Intelligence and Consumer Behavior
  • Information Technology: in IT, the administrator assumes functions related to processes and, mainly, to data management
  • Sales: with a holistic view of the business, the Administration professional is able to assume the commercial role of organizations
  • Human Resources: the Administration course has a lot of emphasis on people management and, thus, the professional can occupy different positions in HR
  • Audit: As well as the manager’s panoramic view contributes significantly in the Sales area, he is also favorable to the audit processes.

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